Monday, December 13, 2010

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Monday, September 6, 2010

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Monday, August 30, 2010

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


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Monday, August 16, 2010




Fundamentals Of Logic:

Basic connectives and Truth Tables
Logical Equivalence
Logical Implication
Use of Quantifiers
Definitions and the Proff of Theorems

Boolean Algebra:

Switching Functions
Logic Gates
Don't Care Conditions

Set Theory:

Sets and Subsets
Set Operations and laws of set Theory
Counting and Venn Diagrams.


Proprties Of Integers:

The Well-Ordering principle
Recursive definitions
The Division Algorithm
Euclidean Algorithm
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic.


Cartesian Product
Onto Functions
Spetial Functions
Pigeonhole Principle
Composition and Inverse Functions
Computational Complexity


Partial Order Relations
Equivalence Relations and Partitions


Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion:

Principles of Inclusion and Exclusion
Generalization of principle,
Rooks Polynomials
Arrangements with Forbidden Positions

Generating Functions:

Introductory examples
Definitions and eamples
Partition of Integers
Exponential generating Function
Summation operator


Recurrence Relations:

First order Linear Recurrence Relation
Second order Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations with constant coefficients
Non homogeneous recurrence relations
Devide and conquer algorithms

Algebraic Structures:

Examples and elementary properties
Isomorphism and Cyclic groups


Graph Theory:

Definitions and examples
Complements and Graph Isomorphism
Vertex Degree
Planar grphs:
Hamiltonian paths and Cycles
Graph coloring


Properties and examples
Rooted Trees
Spaning Trees and
Minimum Spaning Trees.

Suggested Reading

1. Raiph P.Grimaldi, "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications" Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition,2007

2. J.P Tremblay & R.Mnohar, "Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to computer science" Mc Graw Hill.1947

3. Joe L mott, A.kandal & T.p Baker, "Discrete Mathematics for computer scientists & Mathematicians", Prentice Hall N.J,1986

4. Kevin Ferland, "Discrete Mathematics", Houghton Mifflin Company,2009.